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 A little help

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5 participants


Score : 6
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2013

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MessageSujet: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mar 6 Aoû - 6:22

Hello, everyone! cheers 

First of all, sorry for crashing here without any knowledge of french; and sorry again to come here looking to buy something. I reckon it's not a nice thing to do on online boards (Embarassed) and it may be even against the forums rules, but I think you guys are among the few that can help me with a problem.

I'm a brazilian videogame enthusiast, being a Master System fan for more than two decades (like you guys might know, the console was very popular here). I have an small collection of consoles and I'm in the process of converting or adapting every one of them to RGB video output. For the europeans, SCART is a common thing since ever, but we were stuck with RF and RCA for our classic consoles. So I got a SCART to component converter and began buying/making cables, mods and stuff for Mega Drive, SNES, N64 etc to get the best image possible for my old consoles. But I found some difficulties with the Master System, since the hardware of our model 1 is very different from the US/european one, not being able to output RGB signals like its original counterparts. Our SMS2 (called Master System III) can be modded for RGB and I've done it twice, but in both times I got some weird sound problems, a heavy interference that I couldn't get ride of. So I had to look for other options...

I could have bought a US model 1 and be glad with its native RGB output, but I'm among the few people that likes the SMS2 more than the original design, due to having it as a child. So, since I began looking for retro consoles around a decade ago, I see people saying online that the french SMS2 had  factory RGB output (supposed using the same RGB cable from any model 1 Sega console, I read somewhere and that was my error) and I decided to look for one. It was not an easy task, since almost no sellers that I could find send their consoles overseas and the ones who did had a VERY high shipping fee, way more expensive than the console itself. But a couple of months ago I found one auction from a guy that sold me a loose SMS2 for a very nice price and a amazing shipping cost - seriously, I couldn't buy a nice condition Tec Toy SMS on local online auctions with the value, it was really a steal.

Some weeks ago, I got my beautiful SMS2 RGB here, got a spare DIN 8 RGB cable, a power supply and... nothing happened, I couldn't get a stable image of it, only sound. Thinking it could be a region difference problem, opened it and modded it to 60hz. Now Alex Kidd's music was faster, but no image yet. Messing with the video output (and discovering it had no video encoder at all Shocked ), I managed to get c-sync instead of composite video (that didn't existed too!) for sync. Now I got an image, but a VERY dark one. In the couple weeks after, gathering help from online boards, I managed to make a video amp for the RGB lines and also changed the RGB cable a little, trying to reproduce what I was missing for not having the video encoder. I managed to get a better image, but still too dark to play correctly. I tried tweaking the amp and the cable in several ways, but I couldn't reproduce the way it's supposed to be.

So, my last bet before I put aside this french Master System and look for some other model to get my RGB image (something I wouldn't like to do, since I really liked the console) is trying to find an "Adapteur RVB" (the 3085 cable, that originally came with it and MD1: ) to see if that works with my setup. So, I come to you guys asking if somebody has a spare one that wants to sell and send to Brazil, since I can't find it on any eBay and I'm not buying another "whole" console for it, because of shipping costs and taxes (if you had our mail customs, you'll understand Neutral) . I can send money by PayPal, by the way.

Again, sorry for this request (and also for my broken english, but I think it's better than posting in portuguese here Laughing ), but I'd really like to get this cable and I think you guys may be my better hope to find it. Thanks in advance!
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Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd)

Score : 2741
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2010
Age : 31

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mar 6 Aoû - 8:31

I don't think it is against the forum rules.

I don't have this item:
A little help Sms-03085
so I can't help, but so basically you want to buy an "Adaptateur RVB", and can pay with paypal, right? (just to be sure it is the point of your request.)

I hope you will find what you are searching for.

PS:Don't worry, the english section exists, so you can speak english in it clin d\'oeil

Have fun Playing
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Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd)

Score : 6302
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Rouen

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mar 6 Aoû - 10:42

Hello !

I am not good at modding consoles but the SMS II model has a wellknown problem : the video plug on the console is often faulty
I can't say that is the problem you have, but it could be

Since you started with a "hello" and said that SMS is wonderfull, you're welcome here Very Happy 
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warriors 33
Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd)
warriors 33

Score : 9975
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2009
Age : 43
Localisation : Bordeaux

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mar 6 Aoû - 10:58

Hello , you welcome here , you should find your happiness here , you are in SegaBrasil ? maybe you can have Brasilian SMS Tectoy Games Alex Chrono 
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Hayato (Kenseiden)

Score : 327
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mar 6 Aoû - 12:00

Olá e bem-vindo aqui Wink

Sorry I can't help you, I don't have a spare adaptateur.
BTW I just wanted to say that your supposed "broken english" is in my opinion very good, better than a lot of posts I read on some english speaking boards.
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Score : 6
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mar 6 Aoû - 14:04

Yeah, that's right, Piranahman! I want to find the adapter so I can make a last try in getting my french RGB Master System to work, since I can't make the right amp for it. Thank you! Very Happy

Thanks, darknonor! :DI re-soldered the plug too, since I saw too many people online telling that it has been the culprit for many problems with the SMS2; one of the colors was actually a little faulty but could not get it to display the right brightness yet. And yes, the Master System is really wonderful, it's one of my favorite consoles and it's the house of my favorite game ever, which is (and always will be) Phantasy Star. My life literally changed when I played it back in the day and it was the reason I got back into retrogaming around ten years ago.

Hello, warriors 33! I know you from Sega-Brasil, I'm also there as one of the moderators. My nickname there is Corredor X! I thought of putting it here too but it was a very obscure anime reference and I wasn't so sure if you guys got Speed Racer in France, so I ended getting another great character from an anime I knew was a little more popular in Europe pirat  By the way, everyone here is welcome on the Sega-Brasil boards, the best portuguese speaking forums (I think Razz ) about our loved SMS and other Sega consoles. We have nice things there, like an (almost) complete list of brazilian releases for EVERY Tec Toy console, including variations, and some nice tutorials, cover scans and such:

Thanks, Bonaf! My english is a little rusty, it's been sometime since I praticed it. Obrigado, meu amigo! :DAnd let's hope someone has the cable I need, I'm dying to play on it, been a while since I got some nice SMS fix Crying or Very sad

Dernière édition par Harlock le Mar 6 Aoû - 14:34, édité 1 fois
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Hayato (Kenseiden)

Score : 327
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mar 6 Aoû - 14:14

Harlock is indeed more popular here (he is known as "Albator" in France) than Speed Racer (we only got the Wachowski movie here).

So you're a lover of Phantasy Star ! That's great, it's my favorite Master System game, the first console RPG I ever played. I still have my 20+ years old copy, with working saves from my first run of the game (including a save just before the last boss, so I can finish the game anytime I want Very Happy ) !
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Score : 6
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mar 6 Aoû - 14:49

Yeah, it was PS that got me into RPGs (electronic and pen-and-paper style). It was also the first portuguese translated game ever, which was amazing at the time and still is - altought it was a nice job from Tec Toy, there are a few mistakes in the translation that make it hilarious. For example, remember the intro where it says "do not mess with Lassic's affairs" or something like that? In the portuguese version, they translated "affairs" (meaning "business" or "acts" here, right?) to ROMANCE, which means the exact same thing as in english, a love story Laughing  So Nero was interrupting some date Lassic was having or something like that...
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Hayato (Kenseiden)

Score : 327
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mar 6 Aoû - 19:10

Well, in english "affairs" have both meanings, but the translator could have guessed from context Wink
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Score : 6
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mar 6 Aoû - 23:01

Yeah, we use "affair" for romance even in portuguese as a foreignism/loanword. But man, the SECOND phrase in the game, with a guy getting killed and we're talking about love and eavesdropping? Neutral 

Another one that I like is the guy in Casba talking about the Mirror Shield. In the japanese version, he says something about Perseus using it to kill a monster. In the USA version, the phrase is "the shield Perseus used in days to kill magic beasts". And in the brazilian version? Something like "The Perseus Shield used in days of conquering the Devil". Very Happy 

I simply love that translation, no kidding, Back in the day, nobody noticed those little misteps, everyone was so amazed with the game (and the fact that the game was in portuguese) that it was part of the magic. Like when you hear one instrument out of tune in a classic live record or when you noticed a continuity error in your favorite movie. It's really part of the experience and that's why we owe Tec Toy and their amazing work so much. cheers 
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Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd)

Score : 6302
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Rouen

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mer 7 Aoû - 2:31

We got about the same thing with the french version of final fantasy VII ^^
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Score : 6
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mer 7 Aoû - 23:06

Final Fantasy VII? Wow, that was nice! Like the game a lot, it was one of the reasons I bought the PS1 at the time - the other one was a little obscure game about a guy named Alucard that had some father issues, can't recall the right name tongue  Did you guys got a lot of translated games back in the day?

Oh, by the way: just bought the blessed Adapteur RVB from Found a nice soul that agreed to send it to me overseas, even if it wasn't originally said so in the auction. The shipping cost was a little too steep for my tastes, but I cannot stand to see that console half-opened and half-functional anymore. When it gets here (several weeks from now Rolling Eyes ) I'll tell you guys if I got it to work. Gotta explore your forums (google-translated, of course Embarassed ) a little more now, I saw several nice topics and tutorials here Very Happy
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Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd)

Score : 6302
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Rouen

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Mer 7 Aoû - 23:20

With the Megadrive and the Super Nintendo, we got some great games translated like secret of mana, landstalker, Zelda : a link to the past, soleil, ...
When the PS1 arrived, the majority of the games were translated, by the way, that game with Alucard, can it be castlevania : symphony of the night ?
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Score : 6
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1Jeu 8 Aoû - 0:30

darknonor a écrit:
With the Megadrive and the Super Nintendo, we got some great games translated like secret of mana, landstalker, Zelda : a link to the past, soleil, ...
That's amazing! We got the first three Phantasy Stars translated: the second and third ones were released in the middle of 90's, the fourth one was never released - and there were talks in the magazines back in the day that we would have it and Phantasy Star Fukkokuban (the japanese Mega Drive re-release of PS1) in portuguese by the time IV was going to be released Rolling Eyes We also got Shining in The Darkness, the Carmen Sandiego ones and some others.

Citation :
(...)by the way, that game with Alucard, can it be castlevania : symphony of the night ?
Of course, man, it was a joke Laughing Loved it since I put my eyes on it, another game that still amazes me so many years after.
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MessageSujet: Re: A little help   A little help Icon_minitime1

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