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 Endgame trading potential

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2 participants
Alf (Alf)

Score : 36
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2014

Endgame trading potential Empty
MessageSujet: Endgame trading potential   Endgame trading potential Icon_minitime1Dim 30 Nov - 22:32

Hello folks,

I've been working on building a large MS collection (150 games so far) and since I'm going for the hard stuff first time has come for me to make an attempt into endgame territory. That means the next games on my list are: Outrun 3D, Mean Bean Machine, Buggy Run, Championship Hockey, Masters of Combat and that Smurfs game.

Of course I can offer money, but I also have several R7 / R8 games for trade. What I'm mostly aiming for are people who have spares in the R8+ section and would trade those for adequates games or sets from equal or lesser tiers.

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Score : 26992
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Lille

Endgame trading potential Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Endgame trading potential   Endgame trading potential Icon_minitime1Dim 30 Nov - 22:41

Hi and welcome here. What do you mean by R7/R8 games, this is the level of rarity?

Otherwise several members are selling games, I think they will be happy to deal with you! Usually we use this topic for the trades ( It is not opened to the new members by I can give you an access.

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Alf (Alf)

Score : 36
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2014

Endgame trading potential Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Endgame trading potential   Endgame trading potential Icon_minitime1Dim 30 Nov - 23:45

That would be nice. But I'm not very fluent in french.
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MessageSujet: Re: Endgame trading potential   Endgame trading potential Icon_minitime1

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