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 Legal situation of ebay in france

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3 participants
Alf (Alf)

Score : 36
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Legal situation of ebay in france   Legal situation of ebay in france Icon_minitime1Mar 11 Oct - 21:51

Greetings fellow collectors, I have a problem:

I made a comparatively good deal buying a game from a french ebay dealer.

Problem: One hour after I bought and payed the game the dealer unilaterally booked back the money, then immediately put the very same item back up for a much higher price. He technically never even cancelled our deal via ebay. He is obviously trying to weasel out of the deal because he wants more money.

Now my question:

Since the dealer is french and ebay is notorious for ignoring user complaints I would like to know if there are verdicts form the higher french courts that condemn such a practice in case I want to threaten him with legal action. I know that there is one from the german BGH but this obviously doesn't count for france, so I would like to ask if there is something comparable.

Thanks for your admittance!
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Score : 26992
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2009
Age : 45
Localisation : Lille

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MessageSujet: Re: Legal situation of ebay in france   Legal situation of ebay in france Icon_minitime1Mar 11 Oct - 22:16

You should be very disappointed but as far as I know, there is no law for such case.

Even if it is possible to start a legal action, I m afraid you will spend a lot of money and time for nothing
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Alf (Alf)

Score : 36
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Legal situation of ebay in france   Legal situation of ebay in france Icon_minitime1Mar 11 Oct - 22:43

France doesn't have a legal history with shady selling practices? Or even ebay? At least some district court should have had said something about this.
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warriors 33
Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd)
warriors 33

Score : 9975
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2009
Age : 43
Localisation : Bordeaux

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MessageSujet: Re: Legal situation of ebay in france   Legal situation of ebay in france Icon_minitime1Jeu 13 Oct - 16:28

best thing to do is contact ebay and explain the case, i hope you will find a understanding person
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MessageSujet: Re: Legal situation of ebay in france   Legal situation of ebay in france Icon_minitime1

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Legal situation of ebay in france
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