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 Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC

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2 participants

Score : 3
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2024

Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Empty
MessageSujet: Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC   Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Icon_minitime1Lun 2 Déc - 5:37

Anyone have a guide to converting a PAL-M SMS to work on a US set?

I don’t need RF or composite, plan on using RGB output. (Does the SMS support svideo??)
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Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd)

Score : 6502
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2010
Age : 35

Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC   Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Icon_minitime1Lun 2 Déc - 13:10

Stupid IA question.
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Score : 3
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2024

Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC   Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Icon_minitime1Mar 3 Déc - 0:14

Révo a écrit:
Stupid IA question.

Ummm no. I am a real boy lol.

Legit question. My local store has a CIB pal-m with 3d goggle and gun, for all of $65.

But I know this is a weird version and doesn’t follow the standard conversions.
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Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd)

Score : 6502
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2010
Age : 35

Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC   Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Icon_minitime1Mar 3 Déc - 15:59

Buy it now! This price is not even the price of the 3d glasses alone !

For RGB on Master System you need port #1 on this image:

Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Sega-master-system-how-to-ports-gametrog

And also, the câble péritel:

Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC 2543995801
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Score : 3
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2024

Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC   Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Icon_minitime1Mar 3 Déc - 19:51

Révo a écrit:
Buy it now! This price is not even the price of the 3d glasses alone !

For RGB on Master System you need port #1 on this image:

Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Sega-master-system-how-to-ports-gametrog

And also, the câble péritel:

Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC 2543995801

Unfortunately this is the PAL-M Brazil model with only RF and composite plugs on the back (and weird power plug)
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Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC   Convert PAL-M SMS to NTSC Icon_minitime1

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